duck headWhat is your favorite animal?
I really do love all animals.
I especially love to paint animals with hair—but then I love painting whales and penguins and snakes…let me just say that all critters are my favorites.

What is your favorite book that you’ve made?
old dogThis is a tough question, because I love all the books that I’ve made, and for different reasons.
I love the first (William and Boomer) because it was the first. I love Maggie’s Ball because I just finished it and it’s still in my head and I was able to paint my new puppy, Maggie.
I love the nature books because I love to make things look real, 3-dimensional, on a flat piece of paper…and also because I love all things natural.
So…I don’t have a favorite (but I am partial to Maggie’s Ball and Alfred Digs)
What is your favorite color?
This one is easy—I love pink.

What made you want to be a children’s book writer and illustrator?
I love to draw. I love telling stories.
Making books for children combines the two things that I love to do.
Children love animals (so do I), and making books for them is a wonderful way to spend one’s life.
old dog
What is your favorite book that you have read?
I loved and still love reading The Little Prince. Still can’t read it without crying.
MaggieHow old are your children now?
My daughter, Campbell, is 22 years old. And my son William is 24.

How many pets do you have?
At present, I have a mini Dachshund, Maggie, 2 cats and a very handsome duck living in my house.
But that could change at any moment.